Sunday, March 11, 2007

And...we're back!

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. Well, that's because I've been busy busy busy! Projects include:
1. Learn basic accounting: Done! I finished all of Essentials of Accounting including all the tests!
2. Learn basic corp fi: in progress, somewhat slow going
3. Write chess training software: in progress, I've even recruited two other people to help me and we've launched a project on SourceForge
4. Write mental math training software based on the book Rapid Math Tricks: In progress, I've implemented the framework plus two drills
5. Write a systematic FX prop trading strategy: Okay, a little more difficult than the others :-) But I've got a basic concept in mind and I've started writing the framework. This probably ties with the Corp Fi for being least complete.
6. Get in shape: In progress, I've started a regular workout at the YMCA and I'm seeing a personal trainer once per week. An hour with the trainer is about equivalent to 3 hours at the Y. I also got beaten at my first-ever racquetball tournament, which wasn't so bad--the worst part was that my opponent was twice my age!
7. Read aggressively: I finished Silent Investor, Silent Loser which probably contained some real gems but the writing was so terrible that they were completely obscured. I'm going through the Soros biography now, which is much more entertaining and readable. I'm also reading and Barrons regularly. I looked into reading Risk as well, but at over $1000/year, the subscription cost is somewhat out of my price range right now. I ought to subscribe to the Economist.
After a significant amount of research, I have decided that in terms of career path, I'm most interested in the trading side of S&T.